How to Attract More Buyers
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·1 min read

‼ These tips will help you convince buyers your property offers top value their dollar.

✔ Amp up curb appeal. Look at your home objectively from the street. Check the condition of the very aspect of your house or condo. 

✔ Enrich with color. Pain is cheap, but it can make a big impression. The shade doesn't have to be white or beige, but stay away from jarring pinks, orange, and purple. Tint ceilings in a lighter shade. 

✔ Upgrade the kitchen and bathrooms. These are make-or-break rooms. Make sure they're squeaky clean and clutter-free, and upgrade the pulls, sinks, and faucets. 

✔ Screen hardwood floors. Refinishing is costly, messy, and time-consuming, so consider screening instead. 

✔ Clean out and organize closets. Closets should only be half-full so buyers can visualize fitting their stuff in. 

✔ Update window treatments. Buyers want light and views, not dated, heavy drapes. To diffuse light and add privacy, consider energy-efficient shades and blinds.

 ✔ Hire a home inspector. Do a preemptive strike to find and fix problems before you sell your home. Then you can show receipts to the buyers, demonstrating your detailed care for their future home.